The English dept. organized the National Conference on ‘Creative Writing’. Dr.
Pritam Priya Goswami, (Asst. Prof.), Don Bosco University, Assam, Dr. Vijay
Mehta, Dean, Arni University, Kathgarh, Dr. Siddharth Satpathy, Asst. Prof.,
Central University, Hyderabad acted as resource persons and shared their
insightful views on creative writing. The conference kicked off in hybrid mode.
Dr. Vijay Mehta graced the event with his benign presence. He emphasized the
role of language acquisition and behavioral aspects in Creative Writing as he
delivered an enlightening lecture on Creative Writing and its various genres. He
enriched the session by citing instances from Mahabharata and Napoleon
Bonaparte's dynasty, showcasing the depth of writing. Dr. Pritam Priya Goswami
delved into the process of Creative Writing, highlighting the importance of
imagination and fantasy. She also provided valuable perception in the domain of
effective writing. Dr Siddharth Satpathy shared his immense knowledge of
mastering the language and the vital role of social media in writing effectively.
He emphasized getting familiar with the audience before writing for them and
encouraged students to pursue writing articles and blogs as a pathway to
eventually writing a novel. He also highlighted the aspect of research in creative
writing. The vote of thanks was proposed by Dr. Dinesh Sharma, Head of the
English Department, expressing gratitude to all the resource persons, students,
and faculty members for making the conference a resounding success. 203
students and 4 faculty members attended this event. College Principal
appreciated the efforts of English department.