As per instructions by GNDU, Amritsar under the G-20 Bharat 2023 India, Youth 20 Consultation: Theme Future of work: Industry 4.0, innovation and 21st century skills' many activities were conducted in the college premises. Slogan writing, Poster making, Declamation, Quiz contests were organised in the first week of March. On 4th March, the Fashion Designing department organised a slogan writing competition on the topic 'Industry 4.0'. 11 students of the department participated in this event. On 6th March, 2023 Fine Art department organised a poster making competition under Y-20 Summit. 7 students of the department participated in this event. On 6th March, 2023 Commerce dept. organised a declamation contest on the topic 'Industry 4.0 ' under the G-20 Bharat 2023 India. 4 students participated in this event. On 7th March, 2023 the Computer Science dept. organized a quiz competition on the theme ‘Innovation in Technology and Job Security’. There were four teams each comprising three students. All the participants were awarded with certificates by Principal Dr. (Mrs.) Neeru Sharma and Dean ECA Mrs. Punita and Mrs. Harsha Sharma.